Current lighting problems: Can it become industrialization?

Can energy-saving lamp recycling ability become an industry in the near future?

Newspaper reporter interviewed that the producers and processing enterprise point of view is not consistent.

Yanggui Xing’s answered emphatically: impossible. “This thing does not make money, how does the enterprise do?”

Current lighting problems: Can it become industrialization?

Yanggui Xing said, the right solution for Current lighting is to ask government to take the money in order to subsidize businesses. “Garbage government can take the money, and should be more responsible for the hazardous waste. Yanggui Xing said, with government subsidies, all the problems do not exist, they can be recycled also for the other people parts. It can go to the community to put the box in various forms. The key was to give money. “Either let manufacturers give money, every production of an energy-saving lamps are through national production enterprise imposition of taxes and fees, recycling up subsidies to the processing enterprise.

But Yanglong leopard claimed that the field of the future, “there will be some market”.

At this moment, it seems processing or waste energy-saving lamps are the dominant in China, but the economic efficiency is not high. Our country also began to gradually implement the many manufacturing companies environmental management system certification, even though there is not a mandatory requirement, yet enterprises have gradually realized certification which will improve the image of the products and companies in the market, thus boosting the economic benefits of the product. And general requirements for domestic exports to international markets through various audit, for the handling of dangerous products is a mandatory requirement.

Yang Long bao admits, the likely of many companies to do it is not large. On one hand, because of the relatively high investment in the industry, on the other hand is more stringent government control, limiting the industry’s profits. “it can not like as the manufacturing led projects  market of Current lighting, according to the market to determine the price of the current price to go through the validation of the price department, based on cost, the government has a clear guide price a unified reference price, according to different cities to develop a equal referring price, and will not let high-priced monopoly.” Yang Long leopard explained.