LED lighting industry, changes in the competitive landscape

Currently, the competitive landscape LED lighting industry has changed dramatically increase the cost of channel operations, has many proprietary products, such as the status quo but little income plagued many practitioners. Lighting industry market environment has changed, the competition has been developed for the whole competition, enterprise, if only from a port force marketing, product, service, etc., have been unable to meet development needs.

LED lighting industry, changes in the competitive landscape

Lighting companies must clearly recognize their core values and existing resources, according to the actual situation in full force from marketing, product development, marketing, backstage supply port, supplemented by an effective channel model, in order to achieve the enterprise can sustainable development. In addition, companies must clearly recognize, large and channel model often can not guarantee the development of enterprises, but will accelerate corporate bankruptcy rate. Currently, the number of LED enterprises in the product, supply chain and other backstage yet fully ready for the next case, blindly invest a lot of money for advertising bombardment and street sweeping sea tactics, such practices will be like putting the cart before the “domino effect”, as not only does not conducive to the development of enterprises, and may even lead to business lost in the wave of industry consolidation.