Six tips for led kitchen lighting


Six tips for led kitchen lighting


Home the concept of depth, the kitchen is not just for cooking fires, rooms, open kitchen, semi-open kitchen, all kinds of people dizzying, even the master to show the personality of a space. Therefore, the installation of lighting and lighting of the kitchen more and more particular about today, Xiao Bian share of led kitchen lighting six know-how with you.


1 kitchen lighting system should be set adjustable time when the feeling of dim lighting or glare, can be adjusted, people will feel more comfortable, more at ease.


2 led kitchen lighting’s color temperature should be consistent with the room’s atmosphere, at least with the other areas of the color temperature of the room.


3 do not just install a single lighting in the kitchen the center, in order to better led kitchen lighting, a multi-level lighting system composed of different lamps and light sources should be installed in the kitchen.


4 can be installed in place of the top cabinets low lighting, shadows to reduce work time.


5 of the installation site is also very important. Linear incandescent or fluorescent lamps should be installed toward the front part of the cabinet. In this way, part of the led high bay emitted light will be fired after the baffle, and then reflected to the operating table, and then fired at the center of the kitchen.


6 if the kitchen space is high enough, you can install a transparent or translucent chandelier on the ceiling as a light source, the chandelier this time can not only provide excellent led kitchen lighting, and decorative items.