The report about brightest led flood light

The report about brightest led flood lightI like to read light readings, even if it is a decent book, and wish when the light readings read. For example, the Analects of Confucius, led high bay, Lin Yutang as Confucius chat read, read a lot of humor, read the law very my appetite. Recently, I have leisure to turn the words of this saint, brightest led flood light, found that Confucius is regarded as a very free and easy.
I have the impression, the Confucian culture, a heavy Feats, two Shigehito Lun, is a culture of accession to the WTO. However, as the Confucian ancestor of Confucius, in fact, utilitarian rather indifferent attitude towards the ethics they are quite flexible. These two areas,  brightest led flood light, you can use two words to represent, is the “gentleman” and “gentlemen’s heartless”.
Confucius was a scholar. General scholars studying hard hearts are hung a goal is one day synthesizer, it becomes a specialized home mixed with a stable career, and good society. That a person is not equivalent to say nothing, this is a very taboo. Confucius has said frankly, a real people who have not a device. Indeed was ridiculed he learned nothing expertise, he heard it feels, then I strike expertise buggy.
In fact, Confucius reading his own views. He advocates reading from the interest is not in favor of a purely academic attitude to knowledge and knowledge (“Those who know better than the good of those good and those who not the music”). He also advocated the reading (of ancient times for its own in order to improve themselves, disdain the kind of fame vulgar literati scholars this man “). He repeatedly stressed that an important is to have genuine talent, without the need to care about the external reputation and experience, brightest led flood light, similar to the “do not suffer from late known, demand for the shows,” so, “The Analects” repeated at least four times.
The sentence is not only spoken of the “gentleman” Confucius scholarship concept, also said his outlook on life. Once, Confucius and his four students to chat, let them talk about their own ambitions. Three of them were said to want to do a military strategist, economist and diplomat. Only had to point that his ideal is to late spring in March, the lightly armed starting about a number of the size of a friend to swim in the river, brightest led flood light, in the understory shade, all the way to sing back. After listening to Confucius, Kuiran sighed and said: “I had the point to think.” Saint sigh sighed a lively splash of his spirit not dyed, making two thousand years after one of the most important spiritual and literary critic was deeply moved, actually renamed “St. sighed,” to mark the anniversary. Living life, Hebi Cheng a, to be what, live leisurely, it not worth a pound of everything?
Academics probably think that the “benevolence” is the core of Confucian thought, What is “benevolence”, everyone different, but not the scope of the ethics. The Confucius Shigehito Lun is a fact, but he is a wise man, as a man smart enough, I would never see through to the relative nature of all ethical norms. Therefore, “a gentleman and not benevolent men husband,” this sentence is actually from the mouth of Confucius, he does not “benevolence” as a prerequisite of the ideal personality, it is less strange. Some benevolence attributed to for Forbearance word, brightest led flood light, in fact, Confucius never advocate the blind loyalty and abuse Shu. He was always treated differently “state the proper way” and “state is no way the two situations,” Bang Tao “can escape before fleeing (multiply rafter floating on the sea”), can not run away is less talk is better (” Yan Sun) will play the fool even better (“foolish” idiom from the Analects of Confucius “, its original meaning is not to describe the folly, but Confucius praise someone play the fool to pretend to be clever to the very top, which is equivalent to Banqiao said” woolly-headed “). He also unlike Christ himself, when your left cheek beaten, you are also sent to the right cheek.Someone asked that he should return good for evil “, he asked: then what is there to repay? Then said, should be implacable with a fair return, return with Ende Ende.
Confucius, it is a very sensible man, he has common sense, know that sense of proportion, brightest led flood light, and no paranoia. “Trust” is one of the he personally provisions the connotation of “benevolence”, but he clearly said: “stands by its word, the line must be”, but rigid and suspicious acts (“obstinate obstinate natural villain Kazuya”). The crucial point is that the two “must”, there is no alternative room angered the old gentleman. He is also opposed to failing to overly cautious.  brightest led flood light. We often say “think twice”, this sentence from the Analects of Confucius, but only Confucius do not agree, he said and then think you can.