TSMC: the driving voltage of LED drivers can reach up to 60V

TSMC promoted new BCD (Bipolar, CMOS DMOS) module on 15th this month, which can be embedded into integrated LED drivers.


TSMC: the driving voltage of LED drivers can reach up to 60V


This new BCD technology used in LED drivers can provide a voltage range from 12V to 60V, supporting a variety of LED applications, including backlight of LCD display, LED screens, general lighting applications and vehicle lighting applications. There are several core digital module options, from 0.18 micrometer to 0.6 micrometer. Besides, CyberShuttle also provided TM carpool trial services, which support modules from 0.18 micrometer to 0.25 micrometer.


Draw support from multiple integrated features provided by the new technology, system BOM can be reduced. High voltage DMOS not only provides MOSFET switch integration to reduce the number of components, and integrates other electronic components, like high voltage bipolar transistors, high voltage / high precision capacitors, high resistance polysilicon Zener diode (Zenerdiode), etc., but also reduces the number of external component and significantly reduce the area of the circuit board.


DMOS supports the advanced drain-to-source-to-resistance (Rdson) effect in IC manufacturing. A specific 60V NLDMOS component, when VB>80V, the Rdson will be 72mohm-mm2, plus the extremely strong current driving capability, engineers can simply increase power efficiency via optimizing the component size. The reliable safe operation area (SOA) can also optimize power switches and driver circuits, making them better. Certainly, there are more detailed characteristics of analysis can also be used as result reference of IC design to achieve optimum chip size and reduce design budget of LED drivers.


In the aspect of COMS, 5V voltage is enough to support the Pulse Width Modulation Controller. 2.5V and 1.8V logic cores are common to higher levels of digital integration. In addition, compatible to logic circuits, memory options available for single writing and multiple writing, can also enhance the use of digital programming.


According to Mr. Xinsheng Liu, manager of electronic and industrial research and development department of TSMC, in terms of the integration of driver components, the new BCD manufacturing process of LED drivers is a highly sophisticated technology. Related process design kits (PDKs) emphasis on SPICE models with high accuracy, providing more convenient to single-chip design. In addition, MismatchingModEL can help improve the precision in multi-channel LED Tunnel Light driver designs.