

Latest News

13 Jun

70 solar street lights benefit Bozhou, Anhui

70 solar street lights benefit Bozhou, Anhui

"I didn't expect that solar street lights were installed in the village. Now we can have a bright Spring Festival."

12 Jun

The third phase of landscape lighting construction along the Yan'an Elevated Road in Jing'an District, Shanghai has begun

The third phase of landscape lighting construction along the Yan'an Elevated Road in Jing'an District, Shanghai has begun

After the first and second phases of construction, the landscape lighting along the Yan'an Elevated Road in Jing'an District,

11 Jun

Liaoyang, Liaoning Province completed lighting renovation of 9 highway tunnels

Liaoyang, Liaoning Province completed lighting renovation of 9 highway tunnels

In order to improve the service level of Liaoyang Expressway, provide drivers with a good driving environment, ensure the safety and smooth flow of the expressway,

Latest lighting blog


Xuzhou road lighting smart system upgrade

According to reports, in recent years, the lighting management department of Xuzhou Urban Management Bureau passed the energy-saving renovation of street lamps, 

 Ameco hangar takes the lead in adopting LED lighting in China

Ameco hangar takes the lead in adopting LED lighting in China

In recent years, Ameco Integrated Security Department has taken the lead in promoting the use of energy-saving electrical equipment,

 Current status of silicon substrate LED technology

Current status of silicon substrate LED technology

At present, the overall development of LED light source devices: the development of silicon substrate LEDs in recent years and the impact on the LED light source device industry.


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