LED street lighting intelligent control system

For LED street lighting intelligent control system , whose contents may be involved in standards development , pointed out the intelligent control system research units and standard-setting unit of research.

Under the joint promotion of the relevant government departments, research institutions and large enterprises , LED lighting has begun to spread in the municipal , road traffic , medium and large commercial centers and other public places , how to limit the cost of LED lighting , based on looking for more energy-efficient lighting control method , become a research focus and difficulty many research institutions, enterprises and government departments.

LED street lighting intelligent control system

In this case , LED lighting intelligent control methods came into being. Depending on the application and use of lamps , LED lighting intelligent control have different classification methods, but for now, due to the cost of research , research establishments , research convenience factors such restrictions , research focus mainly focused on LED street lighting intelligent control LED home lighting with intelligent control in two ways.

Due to various research units in a relatively fragmented research methods , LED lights intelligent control has not yet formed a unified understanding and norms, resulting in a waste of research resources , inspection agencies and some domestic manufacturers recognize this point , research has begun drafting LED street lighting intelligent control relevant to management practices and standards.

Based on the latest developments inside and outside the industry for LED street lighting in the field of intelligent control , analysis of management practices and standards which may be of interest, and may indicate the direction of development , hoping to inspire research units , thereby providing research efficiency, reduce research costs , further reducing the energy consumption of LED lights to achieve green lighting .