Human beings can not live without sunlight led

An Xiaojie lighting design has been ideal that he would like to make a project that is visible to the music, and hear the sunlight led. He even felt a good lighting results, a blind man can feel. “In fact, nature is the existence of such a situation, such as the aurora burials, we see some aurora photography, and have been able to feel that it is the kind of powerful beauty, even if I’m not blind, my eyes cast to the scene, I think that is the power of light.

Human beings can not live without sunlight led

But at the same time, when come back to reality, he also understands that, after all, it can not inseparable from the light and ​​specific building, inseparable from the light and space, inseparable from the light and the environment, can not be separated from light and life. The six-party international summit as the exchange of construction, decoration, best LED Grow Lights environment, precisely because they are inseparable. In this case, the designer needs to wonder about architecture.

An Xiaojie expressed this thought with a conclusion: When the moment go to the light source revolution, the new technology has brought a new revolution. the designer should know how to consider design of sunlight led. Any building design, today should be able to exist ten years, twenty years, fifty years. If today, there are not an understanding and an expected, then the program could quickly be eliminated. Yesterday I was still called “good” design, today are faced with the fate of the removed which have occurred.

Some people think that this demand of the arts need to be guided. An Xiaojie opposed this, he believes that the judgment and the pursuit of beauty is born. He sorted out to talk about his “pseudo-architectural history – from the” beast becomes “process, in addition to the use of fire, there is a sign that people will use the tool, and can create their own tools. They can use pottery to take out a cave as a residence, it could be human. This cave is the first generation of buildings in human history, because it uses the tools to dig.