Local dimming technology of LED-high bay luminaires TV

Local dimming technology of LED-high bay luminaires TVEnergy efficiency and image enhancement, color TV industry is continuing to pursue innovative field, with the popularity of LCD TV, high bay luminaires, the local dimming technology to become one of the best technical set energy-saving and quality upgrading in a
The traditional CRT TV is a flat light source, light-emitting or the entire piece of light, or the entire piece darken, you can not press the screen sub-regional dimming. The display of the LCD TV back light and the LCD unit, which back light using the straight-line light source CCFL and the point light source LED, which provides the possibility for the realization of regional dimming. The back light of the LCD TV is the machine energy consumption, the largest part, so a variety of ways to achieve energy efficiency and technology to enhance image quality has been the industry continue to overcome the problem of adjusting the back light brightness.high bay luminaires
The early stages of the introduction of LCD TV, the backlight brightness is fixed or the user through the menu to manually adjust the plane light source and a CRT, which is similar to either full-chip light, high bay luminaires, or the entire piece darken. The CCFL is a linear light source partition so the adjustment is technically feasible, with the LCD TV gradually occupy the mainstream market, the back light luminance region adjustment also been developing rapidly through the 0-dimensional (0D) Dimming, 1-dimensional (1D) Dimming development to the current 2-dimensional (2D) Dimming.
LCD TV back light Regional Regulation Local dimming technology, the LCD TV system image signal is divided into several regions, and analyzed and calculated according to the regional image brightness and automatic control of the regional back light light and dark.high bay luminaires.
The 0D Dimming: LCD TV system on the whole TV screen and adjust the brightness CCFL back light LED back light, led high bay,  CCFL or LED with a screen brightness of a unified control system, present a screen brightness darken or lighten, the system then automatically the back light unified dim or brighten. The general algorithm is to use the software to calculate the average brightness of the entire screen to adjust depending on the size of the average brightness of the dark back light. For example, when a black screen CPU will automatically back light brightness to the darkest, high bay luminaires, when a white screen (Figure 1.2) CPU will automatically back light brightness to the brightest. 0D Dimming the disadvantage is that unified regulation is not accurate enough, such as white and black screen when the same screen (the black middle and white screen from top to bottom in Figure 1.3), the system CPU to calculate the average brightness after back light brightness to the middle is too small at , high bay luminaires, which will lead to white is not enough light, and black place is not black enough. Strictly speaking, the 0D Dimming is not local dimming.