Research institutes are optimistic about the future global LED lighting market

The global lighting market revenue of 2020 is expected to grow to $ 150 billion (89.1 billion pounds), most of the growth will come from LED lighting, which will rise to 53.5 billion pounds (about 561 billion yuan), LED is expected to account for 60% of market share in 2020 lighting and lighting costs will be in accordance decline in the proportion of 30% per year until 2020.

Research institutes are optimistic about the future global LED lighting market

In addition, the market research firm Transparency Market Research (TMR) released the report, said the smart lighting market in 2020 is expected to be worth 33.23 billion pounds (348.9 billion yuan). And predicted that from 2013 to 2029 LED lighting market growth rate of over 30%. And Europe will lead the world LED market, in 2012 the global LED lighting market, accounting for 33.1% share of Europe is the largest market. TMR put this growth is attributed to strong government measures such as the ban on incandescent many countries, such as Britain, Germany, Denmark and Russia are at the forefront of Europe, there is a strong focus on the deployment of efficient lighting in order to improve the quality of and lower overall operating costs.

TMR said that in 2012 the largest commercial application of LED lighting end-users account for 52.5% of the entire market. TMR is expected throughout the forecast period, due to the application of new business applications to join the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East will maintain its leading position. Construction industry is the second largest application areas, and is expected to continue to grow. Application in the construction of Japan and Europe is the fastest growing region. The report concluded that a wide range of applications in the construction sector benefited from the decorative and functional lighting increases in the landscape, signs, sculptures and use of the column.