solar energy street lights and led strips

First, what is LED strips?

Lights with LED lights use a special process of welding copper wire or strip of flexible circuit boards above, and then connect the power light-emitting, because of its light-emitting shape, such as a light band got its name. The first process is welded to the copper above the LED, and then put the PVC pipe or to use the device directly forming both round and flat like its title to distinguish between the number of copper wire and the lamp with the shape of two lines called second-tier, circular preceded round, that is, round the second-tier; flat in front with flat characters, that is flat second-tier. Later developed into a flexible printed circuit board that the FPC to do the carrier, the process easier, the quality is easier to control, longer life, better color and brightness gradually replace the older process, become the trend.

solar energy street lights and led strips

Round second-line conventional three-wire, round, flat line, flat line; colors red, green, blue, yellow, white, colorful. Diameter: 10mm — 16mm widely used in building body contours, bridges, rails, hotels, Lin Yuan, dance halls, advertising decoration places.

Second, what’s  the advantages of  led strips?

1, soft, like a wire, like curling.
2, able to cut and Yanjie.
3, light bulbs and circuit is completely encapsulated in flexible plastic, insulation, waterproof performance is good, safe to use.
4, the weather resistance.
Difficult to break, long service life.
6, easy to create graphics, text and other shapes; has been widely used in buildings, bridges, roads, gardens, courtyards, floors, ceilings, furniture, automotive, ponds, underwater, advertising, signs, signs, decorations and lighting.

how long is the lifespan?

LED constant current component, so different manufacturers to produce LED light with constant-current effect is not the same, of course, life will vary. Of course, if the poor light with the copper or the toughness of the flexible printed circuit board will also affect the life span of LED lights with.

What precautions four LED lights repair?

1, anti-static: LED bulbs is static-sensitive components, if not done in the maintenance of LED lights with anti-static measures, it will burn LED, resulting in waste. It should be noted that the iron must use anti-static soldering iron, maintenance personnel must also make anti-static measures (such as wearing a static ring and anti-static gloves, etc.)
2, the continuous high temperature: LED lights with two important components of the LED and the FPC are not continuous high temperature products. FPC in the sustained high temperatures or exceeds its withstand temperature, it will make the FPC cover film blistering, a direct result of the LED lamp with scrap. Same time, LED can not be sustained tolerance to high temperature, a long time under high temperature and time, its chips will be burned by the high temperature. Therefore, the iron used in the maintenance LED lights with temperature soldering iron to limit the temperature in a range of prohibited to easily change and set. In addition, even so, should also be noted that the residence time of the LED pin in the maintenance of iron not more than 10 seconds, if you exceed this time, it may burn out the LED chip.
3, weak points: a lot of LED lights with a bad pin at the short-circuit, real bad cause must be identified before servicing. Otherwise, the rush to replace the bad LED, once again the power will continue to cause the LED chip breakdown by short-circuit current. So, before the new LED lamps replacement, we must first find out the real causes of bad, the right medicine can do more with less.