The large scale application of commercial LED is not a dream

In fact, it is zero investment and zero risk for our mall. The LED down lights manufacturers is of warranty period of three years. Within three years, the light fades should be controlled less than 20%. If it is over 20%, you will enjoy a free replacement. Theoretically, the commercial LED lamp life can reach 50,000 hours which means that it can use over a decade. Conservative speaking, it can be used for three years now. Year and a half section of the rest of the electricity can be used for costs, as well as earnings in a year and a half.” Chen buggy analyze the economy of the large scale application of the commercial LED lamps from the vision of a businessman.

commercial LED

In Hefei, the reporter saw that the second, third, and forth floor of Qingyu clothing mall use the commercial LED lamps for lighting. Times Square in Hefei, Anhui manufacturer have entered the installation phase and plan to completely transformed into the semiconductor lighting step by step. Hefei Times Square Engineering Manager Zhou Dongjun said: “After comparative testing of semiconductor lighting and traditional lighting, energy saving is up to 75% or more.”

In addition, the reporter saw the field of semiconductor lighting of the the Hefei airport terminal building, 9.5 meters high waiting hall showing the rich texture of the light intensity. According to reports, this is the world’s first airport terminal semiconductor lighting Civil Aviation Airport. Another case is located in the Economic Development Zone of Hefei Jade Avenue and Danxia Road Interchange Jinshui, fairy gardens to residential real estate in the heart of University City. This item was included in the “Eleventh Five-Year” National Science and Technology Support Program, which is an integrated system engineering, solar photovoltaic, green lighting, semiconductor light source applications, fire emergency lighting, network management, infrared alarm monitoring, digital system control and more items integrated high-tech, solar public lighting electricity. The project is saving lighting 111 million kWh / year. This project uses a semiconductor performance lighting technology, energy-saving basis up to 50%, a 95% reduction of the total energy consumption through the use of renewable energy.