ENSL-80W-02 LED Street Lights in Portugal

ENSL-80W-02 LED Street Lights in Portugal
ENSL-80W-02 LED Street Lights
LED Street Lights in Portugal

Country: Portugal

City: Porto

Project name: Nova Pasta

Date: 2011-11-19

Model: ENSL-80W-02

Quantity: 80 pcs

  Led Street Lights are always the most popular LED Products in the world now. As more and more HID Street Lights are meeting with quality and maintance problems, LED Street Lights are becoming the best solutions for Street Lights.

  In this project in Porto, Portugal, the demo project is 80 pcs of ENSL-80W-02. After the testing of our LED Street Lights, the owner of Nova Pasta would planned to purchase more than 3000 units of different models of LED Street Lights. All these Street Lights would save more than 50% power consumption. This energy saving number is very important for the local government, as the economy crisis, more and more countries foucs on the saving of energy.

  As the Government of Portugal strongly support LED Industry, more and more Importors and Installation companies are asking for LED Products from us. From Jan 2009 till now, more than 100 companies become our customers. Average order amount is 25,236.28 USD. Average order period is 21 days. Based on these marketing analyze result, we found Portugal is really a growning company in LED Lightings, and the most popular products of LED are LED Spot Lights, LED Down Lights and LED Street Lights. Besides the indoor LED Products, LED Street Lights are the most important outdoor products. We could find thousands of different kinds and types of roads, all these roads and streets mean hugh amount of LED Street Lights demand in the near future.

  More information, please click LED Street Lights.


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