2012 Japan shop LED lighting

  LED lighting, LED lighting market is expected for the year 2012 , such as shops and office lighting indoor facilities will reach 10.3 billion yen , an increase of 186.1% from fiscal 2009 forecast of 3.6 billion yen .

2012 Japan shop LED lighting

  Implemented in April 2010 in Japan "fix Energy Law" , the target range by the energy management business ( factories ) to enterprises, but also the requirements for energy management business . As a result, a large number of small and medium scale set franchise chain stores , its corporate headquarters on the basis of an obligation to manage all the chains , the report energy savings stores. Thus , these enterprises to strengthen energy conservation efforts , while also actively developing energy-saving equipment , to provide energy services.

  Starting in 2008 , large commercial facilities and convenience stores are increasingly using LED lighting , the market is developing smoothly. Because LED lighting can emit light directly into higher , so the future is expected to be used under the light (Downlight) and spotlights and other sales will be significantly expanded.

  Other energy-saving equipment , it is expected cabinet air conditioners market in 2012 increased by 14.3 percent to reach 296 billion yen in 2009 than the predicted value , turbo chiller market will reach 61.7%, an increase of 9.7 billion yen , commercial water heater market will an increase of 69.7 percent to reach 56 billion yen.


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