2015 global LED lighting market trends

  The report shows that in 2015 the global lighting market will reach 82.1 billion US dollars, of which the LED lighting market will reach 25.7 billion US dollars, the market penetration rate of 31%.

2015 global LED lighting market trends

  Most Chinese market holds 21% market share. As a major country of manufacture lighting products, plus the cost advantage and complete supply chain, market competition relative to other markets and more intense. Regardless of brand manufacturers, foundries, or new lighting manufacturers and packaging manufacturers, in addition to significantly enhance the penetration rate of LED lighting, the development of sales channels is the year's major development projects. Looking to 2015, thanks to steady growth lighting market demand, the Chinese lighting market both domestic and overseas demand for exports will continue to improve even more. However, product prices are subject to a number of impact suppliers, intensified price competition speed, if not sustained development path, eventually will face out of the market crisis.

  US market share of 19% of the market share. Energy Star and DLC ongoing subsidy policies, led by certified manufacturers active in order to obtain subsidies; plus market supply product quality improvement, LED commercial lighting needs to expand the US market are strong, which went to market demand lamp facelift growth is most rapid.

  Japanese lighting market share of 9% of the market, although growth is limited, but the commercial lighting and industrial lighting growth potential. LED lighting is applied to Japan's leading promotion, penetration increased year by year, so that the overall expansion of the LED lighting market has its limitations; lighting of commercial use applications from schools, hospitals, stores and other gradually open the market in Japan; industrial and outdoor lighting is to be developed.

  Other emerging markets, including the rest of Asia, the Middle East and India, and Latin America will hold 28%. The main driving force of the regional population, including policies to promote and project promotion. Emerging markets will significantly open doors in 2015.


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