2021 Suzhou inner ring elevated street lights will be replaced by LED lights

Recently, the lights on the Suzhou West Ring Elevated Road quietly "changed color", from the warm yellow light to the now bright white.

2021 Suzhou inner ring elevated street lights will be replaced by LED lights

It is understood that the original street lamps in the West Ring are high-pressure sodium lamps, which have high energy consumption, low color rendering and poor light efficiency. The construction time is 2004, and the years have been long and there are potential safety hazards.

At present, the "white" lighting that the public sees is LED light, which is also a warm color series. This lighting has high efficiency, low energy consumption and good color rendering, which further enhances the driver's visual comfort and drives are safer on the road. 

It is reported that the municipal management department of the city plans to transform transform all the street lamps on the inner ring of Suzhou into the more economical and standardized LED lights before 2021.


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