LED Street Light upgrade there is a huge business opportunity

  LED is a solid-state semiconductor, so compared to the light overhead, they are closer to the smartphone processor. Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Shanghai, Copenhagen and dozens of other cities around the world are deploying LED lights, at least most of the problems can be solved by use of inefficient traditional street caused.

 LED Street Light upgrade there is a huge business opportunity

  Upfront cost of LED lights is the traditional high street three to four times, but their life is three to four times the latter, and the lighting unit power capacity is three times the latter, can save 30-70% annually electricity. Because LED is a digital chip, according to Moore's argument, it costs only getting cheaper. And, as electronic components, they are more programmable and more effectively connected with a radio and a sensor chip to form a wireless network within the city, with monitoring by crime, power outages and water pipes burst issues and coordination of relief operations.

LED Street Light upgrade there is a huge business opportunity

  This round LED lights big upgrade there is a huge opportunity trend. According to consulting firm IHS Technology reported worldwide last year, 140 million to install streetlights, only 19 million light is LED lights. By 2020, LED lights are expected to account for 100 million 155 million in holdings in the street. LED street sales over the same period also surged from $ 4.3 billion to $ 10.2 billion. Boston, Seattle and New York City are conducting a large-scale upgrading of street lighting. New York spent $ 76 million project will be the largest in the United States: by the end of 2017 to replace 250,000 streetlights. New York City officials are expected to save $ 14 million annually in energy and maintenance expenditure. Into LED lighting itself is damaged, even heat, fire and other hazards.


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