American Lighting Research Center plans to launch horticultural lighting applications

On the 16th, Lighting Research Center, referred to as "LRC" announced that it will open a new course dedicated to lighting applications for plant growth and health, in response to the gradual development of indoor controlled farms.

American Lighting Research Center plans to launch horticultural lighting applications

A study by the Illumination for Plant Health Alliance (IPH) at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institut in the United States has shown that many pests and plant pathogens reduce crop yields, while precise lighting can counteract them and enhance crop health. At the same time, more and more crops are being grown indoors in controlled environments, as demand for local and sustainable foods increases and sophisticated technologies increase their economic viability. The market is calling for lighting experts to develop and design innovative lighting systems and product applications for indoor agricultural sites.

To this end, in response to the new challenges faced by industry experts in horticultural lighting, LRC plans to launch educational courses to help them acquire new knowledge and skills to solve difficulties and fully participate in the emerging market of horticultural lighting.

It is reported that the team of the LRC to carry out the courses includes many experts such as plant pathologists, research scientists, and the Minister of Education. At the same time, the partners include agricultural experts from Michigan State University, plant pathologists from Cornell University and experts from the University of Florida. These experts have expertise and are widely respected in the use of UV light to reduce pathogens in fruit and vegetable crops.

Additionally, this new educational course on lighting applications for plant growth and health will be offered on a permanent and regular basis.


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