American supermarket select LED lamps for lighting renovation

  The U.S. Raley 's stores have chosen a series of energy-efficient LED lighting transformation, including the new petrol stations , car washes and South Lake Tahoe , Calif., convenience store . The use of advanced LED technology with a complete dimming system , LED lighting not only improved light quality , but also for the Raley 's store reduces energy consumption and maintenance costs.

American supermarket select LED lamps for lighting renovation

  Sixty LED lamps illuminate a convenience store located in South Lake Tahoe , compared with fluorescent lamps, metal halide lamps used previously , significant energy saving effect . Career company's internal and external devices provide excellent color rendering , light weight , good light distribution , and use fewer than traditional lamps. These new lighting system including Cree 304 Series luminaires , CR24 dark light tanks and 227 series lamps, and wall-mounted safety lamps and lamp arm .

  Energy and utilities manager Raley 's , Randy Walthers said that " to achieve energy-efficient LED lighting to support our plan to reduce overall energy consumption , we are ready to carry out all the 128 -store lighting upgrades ."

  With optional integrated sensors , LED lighting can not only help Raley save power , better control of it to meet the requirements of California sun . Another benefit of installing LED lighting is its universal driver can provide continuous lighting , especially here often cyclical brownouts .


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