Basic performance LED lighting

  LED lighting market is very hot recently , the current urban landscape lighting , building lighting is LED lighting . As the herd market , as consumers, choose LED still be calm , scientific analysis , the choice of the best cost-effective light sources and luminaires , LED Here are a few basic properties :

 Basic performance LED lighting

  1 , Brightness: different brightness LED lighting , different prices . LED for LED lamps shall comply with the Laser Class Class Ⅰ standards.

  2 , antistatic ability : LED, long lifetime antistatic ability , and thus higher prices. Typically the static than 700V LED can be used for LED lighting .

  3 , Wavelength: consistent wavelength of the LED, the same color , the same color as requested , then the price is high . No LED spectral separation device manufacturers is difficult to produce pure colors .

  4, the leakage current : LED is one-way conductive light , if there is a reverse current is called leakage, leakage current is large LED, short life, low prices.

  5 , Viewing angle: different uses LED luminous angle is not the same. Special light-emitting angle , the higher the price . If all diffusion angle , the higher the price .

  6 , a different life : Quality is the key to life, life is determined by the light fades . Light decay, long life, long life , high price.

  7 , Chip : LED luminous body of the chip , different chips , prices vary widely . Japan, the United States more expensive chips , chip prices generally lower than that made ??in Taiwan and Japan and the U.S. .

  8 , the chip size: the size of the wafer to the side , said the quality of the big chip LED is better than small chips . Chip size is proportional to the price of the same .

  9 , colloids : ordinary LED colloidal generally epoxy resin, plus a UV resistant and fire retardant in LED expensive, high- quality outdoor LED lighting should be UV and fire .


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