Blue LED helps overcome morning sleep

According to foreign media reports, researchers from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) said recently that research has confirmed that blue LED lighting can effectively help people overcome the morning sleepiness. The study may bring significant changes to future lighting strategies, which in turn will help provide a better indoor lighting environment.

Blue LED helps overcome morning sleep

Preliminary studies of light sources have shown that single-blue fully saturated illumination can effectively stimulate physiological responses, but the relative effectiveness of commercial white light sources is less clear. In addition, this study focuses more on the negative effects of blue light - for example, when people are exposed to blue light at night, it is difficult to achieve deep sleep, because blue light inhibits the secretion of melatonin.

However, the professors of industrial design at KAIST, Hyeon-Jeong Suk and Kyungah Choi, and their team believe that the effects of morning light with blue illumination on the physiological response are time-dependent, compared to warm white light, the level of melatonin in humans. The subjective feelings of alertness, mood and visual comfort have a positive impact.

The team conducted experiments on 15 college students. They mainly investigated whether morning light of different shades would affect people's physiological and subjective responses. Compared to warm white lighting, melatonin levels are more pronounced under blue-white light-rich lighting.

Suk explains: “Because we spend most of our time indoors, lighting occupies most of our lives, and lighting is one of the most effective ways to influence our perception and experience of environmental changes.”

“By investigating all the psychological and physiological effects of lighting, we found that lighting is not just about efficient lighting quality for us. I believe that people-oriented lighting strategies can be applied to a variety of environments, including residential areas, Choi said. Learning the environment and work space and improving our daily lives."


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