Chennai install over 48,000 LED street lights

Chennai, India, the company has installed 48,034 lights in the city's energy-saving LED street lights, a historic record.

Chennai install over 48,000 LED street lights

Policy reported that the project required LED street lights will cost 101,000 rupees, will cost 3.22 billion rupees after expanding field. So far, the city has 48,034 LED street lights have replaced internal roads and pedestrian traffic of CFL bulbs and aging sodium.

The report said, it is worth mentioning that no other company in Chennai Municipal Corporation would like to install such a large number of such LED street lights. As of March 2016, the remaining 61,966 street lights will be fully installed. It is reported, LED street lights than the sodium vapor lamp power consumption is about 40% less.

Chennai company maintains 248,467 street lamps in the city. These lights around 19MW of electricity consumed per month, a year cost the company about 20 million rupees.

Nearly 15,000 street lights will work every night. The company has not received a complaint in this regard the broken street lights, more complaints about the danger of stray dogs and improper waste disposal.


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