Choose LED lighting in the bedroom

  General lighting atmosphere bedroom should be quiet, warm , pleasant , soft and comfortable . Those sparkling , colorful lamps in general should not be installed in the bedroom. As the owner of the age, culture , hobbies are different, there will be differences of opinion with the standards of comfort and warmth , the style of the bedroom light requirements are also different.

 Choose LED lighting in the bedroom

  There are some partial lighting in the bedroom , there are:

  1 , Desk lighting. Lux values 300LX more general use of LED lamps .

  2 , Reading lighting. Many people prefer to rely on the bedside shelves bedtime books and news reporters , so to consider using LED wall . Table lamp features a removable , flexible, and LED lamps look beautiful work of art in itself , to give people the joy of beauty , light and beautiful dynamic lines can be drawn through the shade on the wall. Advantages wall is the wall by reflecting light , make soft light.

  3 , Ressing lighting. More illumination to the 300LX , vanity mirror lights usually shoot type lamps, lamps mounted above the mirror, in addition to the solid angle field of view of 60 degrees , in order to avoid glare.

  4 , On the sofa reading lighting, floor lamps lighting is often used . Needs to be noted that, due to the lighting in the electric light is hot , electrified , starting from safety , children's bedroom lamps installed must have a certain height, so that the child can not directly touch the light, and also not in the children's bedroom, lamps and other placement luminaries .


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