Domestic LED lighting standards revision Overview

  At present , China has LED lighting standards promulgated a total 111 items , including a total of 36 LED national standards , has been approved and is being drafted by a total of eight LED national standards , national standards for the proposed project of LED 20 . LED industry standards that have been issued a total of 56 , LED local standards that have been issued a total of 19 .

Domestic LED lighting standards revision Overview

  Standard system is an organic whole standard within a certain range of their intrinsic link formation. LED lighting industry has developed a standard system is in the process of the LED industry , is being developed as well as the need to develop the science of organic whole standard intrinsically linked to their formation , ranging from upstream raw materials, equipment and epitaxial growth , chip manufacturing midstream , standardization process to the downstream packaging and product development, production and application of the entire LED industry chain .

  In recent years , LED lighting industry strongly supported national and local governments , standard system significantly faster, and project a large number of LED promulgated national standards, industry standards and local standards , constitute the basic framework of the LED lighting industry standard system .

  Domestic LED lighting industry standard system framework is largely based on the core technology features LED industry chain , and stressed LED product applications in the field of lighting and the display is divided into sub- system of common technical standards , materials, epitaxy , chip standard sub- system, package, devices, standard sub- system modules , drivers, control standards sub- system, sub- system, the application of product standards , equipment standards sub- system , special places using standard sub- system, sub- system of seven criteria .

  Domestic LED lighting industry standard system framework consists of three levels : the first level includes standard LED chip , LED packaging technology standards and LED lighting standards and other three categories . The second level includes basic standards, performance standards , methods, standards and safety standards and other four categories . The third level includes LED lighting standard test method , the beam can reach 2100lm LED lighting above , the light efficiency can reach 90lm / W or more beams maintain the rate at 90% , next year it will be possible to improve these standards. The publicity of safety standards, including a lamp with LED -based D12 socket , LED lamp, LED fluorescent converters 4 standard , etc.


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