EESL distribute 23 million LED bulbs

EEFL said for domestic efficient lighting plan (DELP) launched the flagship project in Rye ? Bhawan Metro - Delhi Corporation (DMRC) employee plans.

EESL distribute 23 million LED bulbs

Delhi metro company general manager (DMRC) Mangu Singh said: "through this cooperation, we are considering in the site, office and warehouse, etc. To install the LED bulbs. We go to great lengths to ensure high efficiency and energy saving, and efforts towards saving spending and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. We believe that the Delhi metro company (DMRC) staff will greatly benefit from this program."

DELP plans to benefit from the Energy Services Ltd. (EESL) of, DMRC employees to one third of the market price to buy up to 10 LED bulbs, LED bulbs each year can save electricity worth about 160-400 rupees.

Given efficient lighting demand management programs (DELP), EESL has distributed 23 million LED bulbs in the country. EESL 2019 also aims to replace 770 million incandescent bulbs (home field) in the country.

Power producers, India's national thermal Power company (NTPC) joint venture of Rural Electrification Corp, Power Grid Corp and EESL jointly set up a joint venture Power Finance Corporation, in order to promote the implementation of the project of energy efficiency.


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