Effects of LED light quality on the growth and development of tissue culture seedlings

Studies have shown that the growth effect of LED monochromatic light on tissue culture seedlings is lower than that of different LED combined light. Red and blue LED combined light can enhance plant photosynthesis to promote plant growth and development. The tissue culture seedlings of C. chinensis treated with a single red or blue LED had poor growth, while a certain ratio of red and blue LED composite light was beneficial to promote the growth of plants. Under the combined light of red and blue LED, the net photosynthetic rate of leaves of chrysanthemum tissue culture seedlings was significantly higher than that of monochromatic red and blue light, and the fresh weight and dry weight of the plant both reached the maximum value. The dry and fresh weight of strawberry sugar-free tissue culture seedlings under blue light was the smallest. The fresh weight and dry weight of Doli butterfly orchid were the highest under red and blue light.

Effects of LED light quality on the growth and development of tissue culture seedlings

The optimal ratio of red and blue LEDs for the growth of tissue culture seedlings is inconsistent with the research conclusions of different plants. Under the condition of 70% red light + 30% blue light, the tissue culture seedlings of Japanese double butterfly and strawberry grow best. However, under the treatment of 50% red light + 50% blue light, the growth indexes of anthurium tissue culture seedlings were significantly higher than those of the control. Red light (R) treatment of P. chinensis tissue culture seedlings is leggy, blue light (B) treatment of P. chinensis tissue culture seedlings is low, and complex light is beneficial to the growth, development and morphogenesis of P. The content was significantly higher than other treatments; Red light and blue light (1:1) were most beneficial to the accumulation of soluble sugar in P. chinensis tissue culture seedlings.

Therefore, in the application of tissue culture production, adjusting the optimal ratio of red and blue is the key to producing good quality tissue culture seedlings.


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