Energy-efficient LED lighting is entering multiple areas

  Recently, the National Energy Conservation Center released a 10 "efficient energy-saving lighting technology best practices" in the hope to guide users to adopt efficient lighting energy-saving technologies to conserve energy and climate change effects.

Energy-efficient LED lighting is entering multiple areas

  According to reports, the current Chinese commercial and public buildings throughout the interior lighting 210 billion KWH calculations, if by improving lighting efficiency, 30% reduction in lighting energy consumption, there will be nearly 400 million KWH of saving space, equivalent to saving thousands million tons of coal. ENELTEC Energy Research Center said that the future will this energy-efficient LED lighting, lighting products, toward a wider range of in-depth marketing, combined with the current LED lighting technology development and other factors, will be the first in transportation, cultural, commercial and other fields to promote.

  Recently it was reported that a new type of plastic LED light bulb will replace a new light source, but according to the current situation, LED lighting, which are more promising, has also been recognized by lighting people, the future of LED lighting will become the protagonist of the lighting industry .


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