Full Replacement of LED Street Lights in Taiwan's Head Towns

Recently, due to the power shortage crisis and the pressure of electricity prices, Taiwan’s head office has decided to list 32 million yuan annually to replace the street lights responsible for maintenance and management of the township government with LED street lights. It is estimated that 1 million kWh of electricity and 2.5 million can be saved each year. Yuan electricity fee.

Full Replacement of LED Street Lights in Taiwan's Head Towns

The township office first piloted and replaced 400 street lamps with LED street lamps. After one year of actual use tests, it was found that the LED street lamps not only save power, but have a small wind surface, and the lighting brightness is much brighter than conventional lamps. The total number of street lamps and lanterns under the maintenance and management of the township under the jurisdiction of the township totaled 3,877 feet. In addition to the 400 street lamps replaced by the previous trials, the replacement of 3,477 street lights was required for a total of 32 million yuan.

The township office stated that the replacement of the street lamp project was started recently and it is expected to be fully renewed and completed by the end of the year. After the replacement is completed, it is estimated that more than 1 million kWh of electricity can be saved in one year, the energy saving rate is as high as 69%, and the cost-effectiveness conversion is even greater. To reach 79%, it will save about 2.5 million yuan in electricity and 1026 metric tons of carbon reduction each year.


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