Future LED lighting based on home market

  LED lighting bright prospects appeared vaguely everyone's eye. Previously built with the relative height of the LED products, the daily life of the product is able to popularize the product.

Future LED lighting based on home market

  For example, can regulate illumination range of LED bulb, LED bulb of this type can be adjusted according to your needs illumination range and angle. There can regulate the color temperature of the LED panel lights, LED intelligent lighting and many more. It can be said in the future, LED intelligent lighting will become increasingly more and those who live closest to the product, who will be able to win more markets. To achieve a true LED civilians, must make the cost down to ordinary civilians acceptable range, which requires focus on exploring LED enterprises in the market, but also in the product technology to do your homework, and more need for government support.

  In addition, industry experts is that the industry has exposed flaws fanatical development, LED lighting industry is facing a core technology constraints, lack of standards and financial stagnation pressure and other bottlenecks, by the simple idea of ??replacing incandescent light should change. If we can change a light bulb; if we could change the traditional way of thinking, then we can change the world. To achieve incandescent completely delisting, successful promotion of energy-saving lamps, this process can be achieved non-overnight, LED lighting, long way to go.


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