High Voltage LED indoor lighting applications

  Two years ago, due to the high-voltage LED poor stability, low yield, consistency and poor technical problems are not effectively addressed, resulting in high-voltage LED and unlikely to be accepted by the market, the development of naturally stagnant.

High Voltage LED indoor lighting applications

  The recent high-voltage LED devices back again everyone's sight, from the chip to the package and then lighting solutions, many companies are pushing high-voltage LED products. LED interior lighting with high pressure in the more, because the power used by a large, if the application materials and high-voltage LED PCT together, will be able to ensure the reliability of the lamp beads.

  PCT material LKX series LED products stand for the production of specialty materials, due to increase of PCT material is a ceramic fiber, fiber containing about 20% resistant to UV, has a low water absorption, mold shrinkage and good dimensional stability sex. PCT material to withstand high temperature capability, reflectivity, UV irradiation is better than the existing PPA, and better than the market in the cost of EMC material.

  PCT high voltage LED visible light due to a substantial decline in the cost of the drive power supply design simple, low cost, and easy to heat treatment, etc., to the application vendor to bring a new choice in the next general lighting market will be occupied an important place. "LED is a high voltage current trends, it can make LED work directly in the AC.


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