Intelligent LED lighting saving more than 40%

  A lamp -style one-button way of traditional lighting being too old mechanical switch, the master must keep the switch out of the room because it is too easy to forget the lights and waste energy. Especially in a hurry to go out, the lights are very easy to forget. If you need to adjust the light, you need to bend over slowly debugging, very troublesome. Moreover, the current people is of residential spacious room more, if there is no remote control, switch lights indeed very inconvenient.

Intelligent LED lighting saving more than 40%

  However, intelligent LED lighting through smart set, so that the family of LED chandelier, LED hanging lamp, LED lamp and all other LED lamps for scientific and rationalize the use of, in order to achieve maximum convenience and energy savings. For example, by setting the scene, it appears parlor, home, dinner, home, sleep and other models. According to the actual needs and habits of transfers to meet the needs of the people many scenes of life, enriching the environmental effects, the owner became more peace of mind easy.

  Intelligent LED lighting not only makes life rich, but also to maximize energy savings, not only can achieve the effect of people come light on, otherwise off by setting lights , but also take into account in the course of natural illumination angle , so that the dark light intensity , bright lights at the weak , thereby leading to overall balance. Data show that the use of intelligent LED lighting system allows ordinary families than the original save 20-40% of electricity, for many families it has undoubtedly difficult to resist the temptation.


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