Issues to be noted in the use of LED lighting

  LED has a unique advantage, but LED is a fragile semiconductor product. So when we use LED lighting products, we should be cautious, then what issues should be paid attention to in the use of LED lighting?

 Issues to be noted in the use of LED lighting

  ( A ) DC power supply should be used

  In order to reduce product cost, some manufacturers adopt "RC Buck" as the power supply of LED products. This will directly affect the lifespan of LED products. Using a dedicated switching power supply (preferably a constant current source) to power LED products will not affect the lifespan of the product, but the product cost is relatively high.

  (B ) take anti-static measures

  Certain anti-static measures must be taken in the processing and production process of LED products, such as: the workbench to the ground, workers wear anti -static clothing, anti-static belt loop as well as with anti-static gloves, etc. Anti-static ion fans can be installed in places with conditions, but it must also be ensured that the humidity of the workshop is around 65 % so that the air will not be too dry to produce static electricity, especially the green LED is relatively much easier to be damaged by static electricity. In addition, the antistatic ability of different quality grades of LED is not the same. LED with high quality grade has stronger antistatic ability.

  (C )take cooling measures

  Note that the internal resistance of LED temperature will become smaller when the ambient temperature rises. If the use of a regulated power supply will cause the LED current increases, when more than its rated operating current will affect the service life of LED products, LED light will make a serious "burn out" and therefore the best selection of constant current source power supply to ensure that LED current is not affected by the outside temperature. LED temperature is the most important factor affecting the life LED. Please pay attention.

  ( D ) Seal LED products

  No matter what LED products, when applied to outdoor , are faced with waterproof, moisture-proof sealing problems , if not handled properly it will directly affect the life of LED products. There are a small number of relatively high demand for product quality manufacturer of traditional epoxy resin " pour " method to seal the LED products, this method of operating is too much trouble for the larger volume of LED products is not very suitable , will cause an increase in weight of the product .

  (E ) the LED current can not exceed the LED current IF

  Work will soon over current LED life fall over if exceeded, will immediately burn the LED.

  ( F) LED knuckle should be noted

  LED in the corner or knuckle Please do not get too close , you should keep a distance of more than 2mm and colloids, which otherwise would stand with LED colloidal gold wire separation, the number one place in the folded corners should not exceed three times, bent corners 90 °, then back to the original location of a second .

  ( G ) Soldering Temperature

  Soldering temperature is about 260 ℃, time controlled within 5S, welding point from the bottom of the gel in more than 2.5mm , electric iron must be grounded , absolutely not permitted to live welding LED.


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