LED Grow Light market faster growth

  From the global markets, LED Grow Light sales market mainly in Japan, South Korea, the United States, Europe and other persons engaged in agriculture fewer countries and regions. At present, many foreign countries have LED plant factory, the plant can achieve mass production.

 LED Grow Light market faster growth

  This year in Japan, about 40 percent of the vegetables produced by LED cultivation, and other factory automation products mainly supply high-end supermarkets and stores.

  According to a global survey the field of industry, the global LED Grow Light output from 2013 onwards, beginning to show rapid growth is expected in 2014 will exceed $ 35 million, 2017 is expected to reach $ 300 million. Some large international companies have increased their investment in innovative LED plant factory.

  China's current rapid growth of LED plant lighting industry market growth of 20% and more than 50 percent of companies are doing LED lighting LED plant lighting-related research and development.

  The last 10 years, China's rapid development of horticulture area, plant growth light environment control technology has attracted attention. Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other area of greenhouse cultivation, development of flower industry has been quite mature, so the LED Grow Light has great market potential.

  Compared with fluorescent lamps with LED lighting, not only can save 40% of electricity by adjusting the wavelength of light can improve the harvest.

  Photosynthesis of plants can be 16 hours a day, but the time is very limited natural light, making the plants grow slowly. If the use of LED lights, sustainable supplement to the plant light, LED light instead of using natural light, and vegetables can reduce the third fastest growing maturity, enabling production, originally 15 days ripe vegetables can be harvested as long as five days, which is LED light irradiation with typical examples promote plant growth.


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