LED Grow lights used in high-end market

  At present, LED lighting is mainly used to cultivate marijuana plants, mustard and other expensive high-end market products, high cost of such products, but return quickly, profits are high. Not only that, LED can also be achieved in the control of plant growth, flowering plants flowering can be extended, so that crops can be subject to seasonal restrictions, accelerate results.

 LED Grow lights used in high-end market

  Although ordinary vegetables can also train with LED lighting plants, but cost is not high. To strain cabbage, for example, had 45 days to mature, LED plant light exposure, need only 15 days to be able to grow to maturity. However, from an economic effect, the strain of artificially propagated cabbage market price reached 40 yuan strain, while the traditional cabbage sunlight strain of only a few dollars, the price difference between the two is very poor.

  In addition, LED lighting products plant itself is also more expensive price suppress the large-scale promotion market to some extent.

  "Now the cost is still high, a common leafy growth for LED lights is generally 400 to 500 yuan, can usher in the future when the outbreak is not to say." plant growth cycle and wavelength are not the same, the difference is the process, the price disparity great.


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