LED home lighting interior lighting will become mainstream products

  In recent years, the rapid development of LED lighting, to the lighting market is a big shock. Currently, LED indoor lighting market in a price war anxiety stage.

LED home lighting interior lighting will become mainstream products

  ENELTEC Lighting is a lighting manufacturers more than a decade old company, has extensive experience in technology, cost and so on. Currently, LED interior lighting lighting products accounted for 50% ENELTEC total sales. ENELTEC LED indoor lighting biggest advantage is the ability to change according to customer needs, meet customer needs in terms of style, sales etc.. Secondly, ENELTEC great importance to product quality.

  Since the LED's strong entry in the home lighting market next year, the competition LED interior lighting will be more intense. The next five years, ENELTEC think, LED interior lighting will become the largest proportion of home lighting products in the field.


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