LED Lighting charged electric car

BMW Group's mini-companies demonstrate new technology in recent The Light and Charge system that allows the new lights at the same time providing efficient LED lighting for the electric vehicle charging. Mini is located in Oxford, UK plant show a new system, as June 13 - Part of the 21st participate at the "Oxford carbon Week" activities.

LED Lighting charged electric car

In lights built charging point can be greatly expanded network charging pile, placed on the side of the road because the street is very convenient electric vehicle charging, and lights in general are connected to the main power grid, charging points can be easily incorporated into the existing street lighting facilities. Application of this technology will be greatly improved if the investment went to the status quo currently only traditional refueling charge pile near the charging significantly improve electric vehicle applications.

The system uses LED lighting compared to traditional lights more efficient and flexible. The number of possible arrangements according to road use LED lamps up to four units. Mini-company, charging point of the system using a standard charging interface and charging cable can be very convenient for a standard electric vehicle charging. It can operate easily via the panel inside.


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