LED lighting popular in the Brazilian market

  LED lighting is in the Brazilian market , as well as global markets are beginning to pop up. This is a trend, because people there is growing emphasis on energy saving lighting .

LED lighting popular in the Brazilian market

  According to reports, Brazil is now a public road lighting works basically the replacement of LED lighting.

  Energy-saving advantages of LED lighting products is obvious : First, compared to incandescent lamps, can save ten times the power, because when the light-emitting incandescent light bulbs need to be heated , the temperature will reach 200 ℃, which requires a lot of energy, and LED light bulbs do not need heating , the temperature of the lamp is only 40 ℃ to 45 ℃ to ; Second, energy LED lamp itself requires between 70% -80 % less energy than incandescent needed , and in the life incandescent 50 times .

  Many of the benefits of LED lighting products , and therefore has attracted more and more consumers and businesses are keen to use this product . It is understood that , in Sao Paulo, Brazil , LED lighting products are being used extensively for a variety of road lighting and tunnel lighting. Moreover , after the Brazilian government issued a decree in 2017 to replace incandescent bulbs with LED and so on.


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