LED lighting price war to boost consumption

LED has started nearly two years of "replacement tide", but according to the market replacement rate, the replacement range has been limited to business, engineering and other fields, high prices and a narrow field of application, so that the consumer has been no qualitative field promotion.

LED lighting price war to boost consumption

While outstanding, but the price always remain high, business license, engineering and other fields is not very sensitive to price, so the popularity of LED speed, but also the family and other consumer groups excluded in the quality, stability, etc. LED lighting prices continued to decline in recent years, it has been gradually approaching the acceptable range for the average consumer, so that LED applications in the consumer space to further accelerate the rate of adoption.

On the other hand, the optical characteristics of the LED also ensures that it can be applied in more areas, as technology development, field dress, mobile phone, television and other more "down to earth" has been applied, consumer application be further released. I believe that with the continuous development of intelligent products, I believe that the application of LED sink more imaginative.


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