LED lighting product prices now rebound

LED lighting product prices now rebound

Technology to enhance production efficiency, product costs down to provide space prices fell, while the outbreak of the lighting market to attract more enterprises to enter a period of time "price war" has become an important means of competition, but with the "on-demand lighting" as well as the pursuit of quality lighting products gradually become concerned about the hot competition and consumer, "price war" is no longer the only means of winning business competition is expected in the future LED lighting products prices will fall, but the decline will be further narrowed.

From the supermarkets and electricity supplier data, nearly three years LED lighting product prices fell significantly, but entered after 2015, LED lighting products, prices fell significantly narrowed, and in June showed slight signs of recovery. In LED ceiling, for example, in January 2015 to June, the electricity supplier LED Ceiling prices overall fell 11.2%, but in June the apparent rebound, rebounded by more than 8%.

LED lighting products in the export prices are also signs of recovery appear. Based on the analysis of the export data, January 2015 to June, LED lighting products export price rose by two percentage points. According to the LED lighting product export price index CSA Research released by the export of LED lighting products in street lamps and spotlights price index went up by 13 percentage points and 4 percentage points.


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