LED lighting products need uniform standards

  Faced with the complicated LED lighting products, consumers are already spoiled for choice? What is qualified LED products, what is a healthy, energy-saving LED products? Above issues need to exact from the entire LED industry standards and definitions given.

 LED lighting products need uniform standards

  At present, the development of China's semiconductor lighting market players are not perfect, the openness of public service resources is not high, perfect environment for industrial development, LED general lighting market is still quite fragile. In the LED product is not quality assurance, jerry phenomenon flooding situation, faced with a large number of alternative demand for the traditional lighting products, LED products, there may not be recognized by the user, or repeat twenty years ago, when the promotion of energy-saving lamps "Power does not Festival money "embarrassing situation.

  The lighting industry is in a period of change, many traditional lighting companies transition to LED, the industry is flooded with all kinds of LED enterprises in firm size, technology, product quality and other aspects uneven market homogeneity serious, price battle fierce, companies must make a balance between low-cost and high quality. As the market environment is not healthy, the lack of local government in many areas of procurement, tendering and other specific measures, some companies qualified products at below cost price competitive bidding, the cost of product quality, even at the expense of corporate profits, causing market chaos. In addition, the current situation is due to testing, certification and other links with the rapid development of semiconductor technology suited, did not play its due role.

  In summary, in this crucial period of transformation of development mode, the urgent need to break the barriers of institutional mechanisms, improve the ecological environment of industrial development to product standards, certification strategy guide enterprises to promote technological progress, regulate the market.


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