LED lights Replacement to save India's energy expenditure by 50 persent

India Panaji Cabinet decided to replace all of the traditional light bulb to LED lights to cut 50 percent of the street costs, it is expected to replace the LED lights work will cost about 923 million rupees ($ 13.9 million). According to the "Times of India" message, and the LED lights will replace items Energy Services Ltd. (EESL) performed within the next six months.

LED lights Replacement to save India's energy expenditure by 50 persent

According to the Indian chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar said that the completion of the replacement of LED lights might be nine months. In addition, street national projects of the Centre (SLNP) by the state government to implement.

LED lights will replace include high-pressure sodium vapor lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and fluorescent lamps, including traditional, the LED lights to replace the work is expected to save 189 million rupees per year (US $ 2.8 million) in energy costs.

It is reported, Power Minister in the public sector undertakings (PSU), a joint venture Energy Services Ltd. (EESL) will provide the cost of the project, expected to cost 923 million rupees ($ 13.9 million).

The LED lights are expected to replace the work will be completed by 2016.


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