LED tube power several common issues

  LED fluorescent LED power is the most important part , if you choose properly , LED fluorescent properties not only can not play , not even normal use.

 LED tube power several common issues

  Matching LED power and light board

  Some customers to design light board , find the power , find it difficult to have a proper power supply, or too much current , the voltage is too small ( eg I> 350mA, V <40V); either current is too small , the voltage is too high ( eg I < 40mA, V> 180V), resulting in a severe fever , inefficient , or the input voltage range is not enough. In fact , choose a string and pick the best way , plus the voltage and current on each LED is the same, but the effect of the power supply was able to play the best performance , so the best way is to communicate and power supply manufacturers , tailored.

  LED operating current

  General LED is rated operating current 20 mA , and some plants beginning to use the maximum design 20 mA . This current work is actually very serious fever , after numerous comparison test , designed to be 17 mA is ideal .

  LED operating voltage

  General LED 's recommended operating voltage is 3.0-3.5V. After testing, most of the work at 3.125V, 3.125V calculated according to the formula so reasonable .

  LED lamp series-parallel plates with wide voltage

  For LED lamp in a relatively wide range of input voltage (AC85-265V), LED lamp series and parallel plates is very important . Due to the current power generally non -isolated step-down power , wide voltage requirements , the output voltage does not exceed 72V, the input voltage range of 85-265V can be reached , that is, the series number no more than 23 series and parallel count not too much, otherwise the operating current is too large, severe fever , and is recommended for 6 , 8 and 12 and the total current is not more than 240 mA as well.


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