Los Angeles installed new LED street lights

Los Angeles has been a pioneer in LED lights. In the past few years the city has been used to replace the more than 160,000 LED lamps, and report energy savings 63.6%, equivalent to $ 8.8 million, to avoid 47,583tone of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Los Angeles installed new LED street lights

The new lights will be fully integrated SmartPoles LED street lighting and developed by Ericsson 4G LTE wireless communications technology. The upgrade will enable the wireless connection of street lighting, and improve data broadband coverage in densely populated urban areas.

These intelligent street lighting only in the evening, with Ericsson's small cellular technology, these lights during the day can be a connecting hub, providing seamless 4G LTE service to Los Angeles residents. These poles built-in network equipment to help disperse a region signal load. These small can into a small cell phone signal towers, to expand the scope and intensity of Internet connections throughout the city.

This project extends the cooperation between Philips and Los Angeles. Earlier in 2015, Los Angeles became the first North American Philips City Touch be monitored street lighting city. Philips City Touch is a cloud-based mobile technology and advanced street light asset management system. Brighter lights to ensure safer streets, reduced accidents and deter criminal behavior, while street connection management further reduces the amount of energy use and simplifies maintenance.

The LED system upgrade will promote the use of energy efficient technologies to reduce carbon emissions are very helpful, it is an important objective of the Climate Group and Philips partnership.

The Climate Group has long recognized the amazing potential for energy saving LED lights can provide. 2025 LED lights all over the world, about 350 million dollars. Up to 50-70% energy saving potential, through low-carbon technologies to save energy on a global city manager is an attractive choice.


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