Metro LED lighting automatically switches to 50% energy saving

  Recently transformation Metro Line train passenger compartment LED illumination control system test is successful, expects fourth line across the board internal promotion, after the transformation train LED lighting system can automatically turn on or off the passenger compartment lamp illumination by sensing the external environment different , about 50% less lighting energy consumption.

 Metro LED lighting automatically switches to 50% energy saving

  Guangzhou Metro Line , nearly three-fifths of the open lines, the day when the outside using natural light train passenger interior still 1000lux more brightness ( to meet passenger service requirements simply 250lux), and therefore closed the day in the open air line train passenger compartment lighting with a more large energy saving potential. To achieve these objectives, the Metro staff from the transformation program development, equipment commissioning and acceptance to implement the transformation of a lot of painstaking work , after nearly a year of effort, finally achieving results in the fourth line of 2930 vehicles.

  According to reports, the transformation by setting a reasonable threshold switch , making the train by sensing the external environment of different illumination passenger compartment lights automatically turn on or off , switch lights smooth transition , passengers feel comfortable , to meet passenger demand can save 50% on the basis of train lighting energy consumption , but also makes the Guangzhou Metro became the first use of light-control technology to reduce energy consumption in the subway train passenger compartment lighting business .


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