Modesto City USA replace to LED lighting

Modesto City USA program will replace the city's 9700 street lights for led street lights, the project is scheduled to be completed in mid-May to late 2015.

Modesto City USA replace to led street lighting

American project manager, said twisted orange tone color HPS light will make use of the issue in the past occurred, and the lighting is not uniform, and led street lighting is able to provide a similar sense of moonlight more uniform illumination.

In order to avoid street lighting for residential life interfere engineering side also on the part of the lamp for a special treatment, with gobo light to avoid interference to the daily life of nearby residents.

led street lights are different from the conventional street lights, led street light source using low voltage DC power supply, power type GaN-based blue LED with yellow synthetic efficient white light with high efficiency, safety, energy saving, environmental protection, long life, fast response, higher CRI unique advantages, can be widely used in road. Housing available production, high temperature of 135 degrees, low temperature up to -45 degrees.


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