NFC makes it easier to enter smart lighting

NFC makes it easier to enter smart lighting

In the LED market, more and more LED power supplies provide two innovative functions: near field communication (NFC) programming and constant lumen output (CLO). The NFC programming function is used to replace the labor-intensive “plug-in resistor” current setting method to improve the flexibility of the overall value chain. Products with CLO function can adjust the LED current during the service life to compensate for the decline in luminous flux (aging effect) of the LED module. In addition to improving customer satisfaction with better lighting quality, this feature is also environmentally friendly, as over current can be avoided during most of its life, thereby reducing overall power consumption.

NFC is a set of communication protocols that allows devices in close proximity to communicate with each other wireless. This technology has been widely used in various applications, such as contactless payments. The NFC programming of LED luminaires is a fairly new concept that allows the operating characteristics of LED luminaires to be set wireless and to set the main power voltage freely. This method is simpler and faster than traditional LED programming, and can implement more feature-rich and flexible LED driver products.


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