Office LED lighting has large quantity demand

  2013 LED lighting in architectural lighting market penetration up to 56 %, but also as the market matures , growth has slowed. Outdoor lighting is to benefit from the Government to create market demand, slow growth makes LED lighting applications , LED lighting penetration rate in 2013 in the field of industrial lighting applications only about 6%.

 Office LED lighting has large quantity demand

  LED lighting in commercial lighting applications , the system features from the early lighting, gradually turn -based lighting applications because of the high turnover rate of commercial lighting , prolonged use , making the simultaneous growth of LED lighting penetration and market size, LED lighting in 2013 commercial lighting market penetration has reached 15%.

  Residential Lighting is the world's largest application market , LED bulb lighting system to quickly enter the residential lighting market , replacing traditional light bulbs, but the consumer price sensitivity is high, and therefore 2013 LED lighting in the residential lighting market penetration of about 13% remains to be improved.

  For the demands of office lighting to energy , LED lighting is replacing traditional fluorescent tube -based appeal, cut into office lighting market , but LED lamps must also face price competition T5 fluorescent tubes , so the penetration rate of only about 2013 11% , also there is a great room for growth.


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