pay attention to light efficiency and color temperature when selecting the LED lamps

  Although LED lighting has been developed for a long time , but for most consumers it is still an emerging industry , so when the LED lighting is very important to select properly , ENELTEC engineers remind consumers to pay attention to the luminous efficiency LED lighting and color temperature when choosing.

 pay attention to light efficiency and color temperature when selecting the LED lamps

  First, power and integrated optical efficiency . Integrated optical efficiency of LED lights is the luminous efficiency of a product LED lamp unit is lumens / watt. The higher the number the better the results indicate that the energy-saving lamps , the more power, should choose lumens / watt high LED lamps. Depending on the size of the environment to choose the right power LED lamps , the current LED lamps on the market , the size of the 16 -watt power LED lamps can achieve the equivalent of 200 -watt incandescent light flux , sufficient to meet the lighting requirements of 10 square meters of space .

  Second, CRI and color temperature. CRI is an indicator light on the evaluation object’s color capability , perfect color rendering index reference light source 100 , the higher the color rendering index , indicating the color of the light source closer reaction to the true color of the object . Generally considered: 80 to 100 , the color is excellent ; 50 to 79 , the color in general ; less than 50 is considered poor color rendering. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin (K), color temperature of the light source between red 800K ~ 900K, yellow-white light color temperature of about 3,000 K, white light color temperature is about 5500K, the color temperature of the light blue light is between 8,000 K ~ 12,000 K. CCT choose according to personal preference , for example, some people like warm lighting, then he can choose the color temperature of about 3,000 K lamps .


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