Physiological needs interior white LED lighting

  Indoor lighting physiological needs of people mainly for health needs . In addition to long-term UV radiation cause skin adverse effects of light affect the health of the other two approaches are often overlooked by people , a light through the visual impact on health , and the other is light through the circadian rhythm system affect health. With white LED blue light for indoor lighting has two effects harmful effect is closely linked light through the retina and inhibit the body 's secretion of melatonin, the body's circadian rhythm system and health. UV damage usually occurs in the part before the eyes of the human eye , which can cause damage to the cornea .

 Physiological needs interior white LED lighting

  Blu-ray because of its longer wavelength than UV light , can be reached through the retina ; while its strongest unit of energy in the visible range , easy to burn the retina and the early formation of cataracts. On the other hand , the human melatonin secretion affected light when melatonin is likely to cause confusion in the human circadian rhythm of secretion disorders, caused by cancer or other serious diseases .

  In the region of 400 ~ 500nm , the energy distribution of this white LED has a clear peak . After adding a certain amount of red phosphor can reduce this peak to some extent , but the current widespread use of LED white light spectral sensitivity curve of the Blu-ray and Blu-ray peak area and harm the retina ganglion cells influence the circadian rhythm system light sensitivity curve has more overlap region , which had brought to our attention. And if you use UV LED and RGB trichromatic phosphor plus multi-chip white LED, these two effects can be ignored .


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