Problems of the LED lighting market

  LED lighting products prices continued to fall , and have begun to close the traditional lighting products in the field of promotion of commercial lighting applications are already very mature , and gradually into the home lighting, but in general LED lighting products to really into the " common people" still facing " universal obstacle " problem :

 Problems of the LED lighting market

  ( A ) The consumers don't have high awareness of LED lighting products

  On June, 2013 , a survey showed that Chinese consumers in the proportion of LED bulbs can clear awareness is only 25 %. Therefore, the Chinese LED lighting market to open ordinary families still need adequate consumer education , so that ordinary household consumer LED lamps have a more full and complete understanding.

  (B ) The consumers regards LED lighting products as high price products

  Currently, from the consumer point of view , the price is still a cross in front of the main obstacles LED interior lighting . Consumers primary consideration as a factor , the price has been an issue of most concern ordinary people . Although in recent years, LED lighting products prices continued to fall , but so far , LED lamp energy saving lamp relative prices remain high , while domestic consumers to accept the basic price of 20 yuan or less , so the price is still constrained LED indoor lighting products to the main factor in popularity .

  (C ) Market disorder

  In recent years , with the gradual strengthening of semiconductor lighting industry , more and more companies pour into the market. According to statistics, the domestic LED lighting companies have done thousands of basically doing outdoor lighting and indoor lighting together , these companies do not have strict market positioning , watching the government support to quickly make LED lights LED lights , I heard people say LED interior lighting export volume is large, it quickly made LED indoor lighting. Chaotic market order which greatly restricts the development of indoor LED lighting market .

  ( Four ) LED indoor lighting products quality problems

  Higher prices , leading to confusion is often the result of market quality , but off. In the absence of a complete set of technical standards and objective evaluation mechanisms situation just a few years there are thousands of companies to squeeze into LED lighting , natural inevitably , some manufacturers in order to try to reduce costs, cut corners, shoddy. Low quality and ultimately harm the interests of the entire industry.


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